Name: Professor John Simpson

Professor of Physical Oceanography, School of Ocean Sciences, University of Wales, Bangor


BA (Oxon)
PhD (Liverpool)
DSc (Liverpool)
University of Wales, Bangor

Research Interests:

The physical processes that control the environment in shelf seas and estuaries and their impact on biological and sediment processes in the water column. In particular;
- the interaction between buoyancy input and tidal stirring and the resulting tidal mixing fronts
- the effects of freshwater input to estuaries and shelf seas.

  The making of innovative measurements of turbulent processes and using the results to test hypotheses and models of vertical mixing in the shelf seas.The application of understanding, acquired in the European shelf seas, to other shelf seas around the world.

Simpson, J.H., Burchard, H., Fisher, N.R. and Rippeth, T.P. (2002) The semi-diurnal cycle of dissipation in a ROFI: model-measurement comparisons. Continental Shelf Research, 22, 1615-1628.

Simpson, J.H., Hyder, P., Rippeth, T.P. and Lucas, I.M. (2002)
Forced oscillations near the critical latitude for diurnal-inertial resonance. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 32, 177-187.

Allen, G.L. and Simpson, J.H. (2002)
The response of a strongly stratified fjord to energetic tidal forcing. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 55, 629-644.

Burchard, H., Bolding, K., Rippeth, T.P., Strips, A., Simpson, J.H. and Sündermann, J. (2002)
Microstructure of turbulence in the northern North Sea: a comparative study of observations and model simulations. Journal of Sea Research, 47, 223-238.

Fisher, N.R., Simpson, J.H. and Howarth, M.J. (2002)
Turbulent dissipation in the Rhine ROFI forced by tidal flow and wind stress. Journal of Sea Research, 48, 249-258.

Howarth, M.J., Simpson, J.H., Sundermann, J. and van Haren, H. (2002)
Process of Vertical Exchange in Shelf Seas (PROVESS). Journal of Sea Research, 47, 199-208.

Hyder, P., Simpson, J.H. and Christopoulos, S. (2002)
Sea-breeze forced diurnal surface currents in the Thermaikos Gulf, North-West Aegean. Continental Shelf Research, 22, 585-601.

Hyder, P., Simpson, J.H., Christopoulos, S. and Kristenitis, Y. (2002)
The seasonal cycle of stratification and circulation in the Thermaikos Gulf ROFI, north-west Aegean. Continental Shelf Research, 22, 2573-2597.

Kasai, A., Fujiwara, T., Simpson, J.H. and Kakehi, S. (2002) Circulation and cold dome in a gulf-type ROFI. Continental Shelf Research, 22, 1579-1590.

Rippeth, T.P., Simpson, J.H., Player, R.J. and Garcia, M. (2002) Current oscillations in the diurnal-inertial band on the Catalonian Shelf in Spring. Continental Shelf Research, 22, 247-265.

Rippeth, T.P., Williams, E. and Simpson, J.H. (2002)
Reynolds stress and turbulent energy production in a tidal channel. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 32, 1242-1251.

Sanchez-Arcilla, A. and Simpson, J.H. (2002)
The narrow shelf concept: couplings and fluxes. Continental Shelf Research, 22, 153-172.

Simpson J.H., Vennell R. & Souza A.J.(2001)
The salt fluxes in a tidally energetic estuary. Estuarine Coastal and Shlef Science 52, 131-142.

Midgley, R.P., Simpson, J.H., Hyder, P. and Rippeth, T.P. (2001) Seasonal cycle of vertical structure and deep water renewal in the Clyde. Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 53, 813–823.

Rippeth, T.P., Fisher, N.R. and Simpson, J.H. (2001)
The cycle of turbulent dissipation in the presence of tidal straining. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 31, 2458–2471.

Sharples, J., Moore, C.M., Rippeth, T.P., Holligan, P.M., Hydes, D.J., Fisher, N.R. and Simpson, J.H. (2001)
Phytoplankton distribution and survival in the thermocline. Limnology and Oceanography, 46(3), 486–496.

Simpson, J.H., Vennel, R. and Souza, A.J. (2001)
The salt fluxes in a tidally–energetic estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 52, 131–142.

Souza, A.J., Simpson, J.H., Harikrishnan, M. and Malarkey, J. (2001) Flow structure and seasonality in the Hebridean slope current. Oceanologica Acta, 24, 63–76.

Simpson J.H., Rippeth T.P. & Campbell A.R.(2000)
The phase lag of turbulent dissipation in tidal flow. Interaction between Estuaries, Coastal and Shelf Seas 57-67, Terra Scientific, Tokyo.

Kasai A., Rippeth T.P. & Simpson J.H. (1999)
Density and flow structure in the Clyde Sea front. Continental Shelf Research 19, 1833-1848

Simpson J.H.(1998) Tidal Processes in Shelf Seas, vol 10, 113-150, and The Celtic Seas, vol 11, 659-698, in The Global Coastal Ocean (Editors K.Brink and A.Robinson). John Wiley.

Allen G.L. & Simpson J.H.(1998) Reflection of the internal tide in Upper Loch Linnhe, a Scottish Fjord. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 46, 683-701.

Simpson J.H. & Rippeth T.P.(1998) Non-conservative nutrient fluxes from budgets in the Irish Sea. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Sea Science 47, 707-714.